The New York Times
By Isabella Paoletto
March 24, 2023
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NY Times:
What Killed Penmanship? Features Kate Gladstone
“…In addition to the free resources on platforms like Reddit, people interested in improving their penmanship can seek out tutoring with an expert.
Kate Gladstone, started Handwriting Repair, a handwriting coaching business based in Albany, in 1987. When she began, her clientele consisted of hospitals and doctors, who enlisted her help for staff workshops and individuals facing malpractice lawsuits because of illegible documentation. The last workshop she conducted was at a hospital in Florida that had lost its power in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. When power was restored, the staff scrambled to decipher doctors’ handwritten notes to enter into the computer system.
Now, her clientele is about 75 percent adults 18 to 37, a generation, Ms. Gladstone said, that experienced various factors, such as budget cuts in schools and curriculum changes, which led to a decline in penmanship.”